The exercise of trade, to be truly profitable, has to be done through a company (legal entity); in this way, businesses are run in an orderly, professional, and more beneficial manner from the tax sphere.
For a few years, the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance, enabled the tool for the Constitution of Companies, through its website ; making this process faster and easier. However, it is always advisable to have legal advice to establish it, to avoid entering information that does not correspond to your business wishes.
To safely establish a company, we recommend that you follow the following steps:
- Step 1:Define well what you are going to do, who will be your partners (people with the same vision, capital and commitment) who will be the legal representatives of the company (the representatives must be at least two and may or may not be partners) and which It is the budget they have to develop their business. You must have at least initially $ 800, for the initial capital, and $ 500, for the notarial procedures and registrations.
- Step 2: Think about the name that your company will carry, it should be something distinctive, something that no one else has used; If you choose a very generic name or similar to one of the competition, your process will not prosper and if it advances, you will have legal conflicts; We recommend having at least five original name alternatives.
- Step 3: With the above defined, enter supercias.gob.ecand follow the steps of Electronic Constitution of Companies; If at any time you have a question of what to choose or place in the process, he calls your trusted lawyer and get out of such doubt, he will guide you correctly.
Ready, after no more than 10 business days (approximately), you will have your company incorporated and operational; Keep in mind that for certain activities the procedures and requirements may vary.
If you have questions or queries about the process of incorporation of your company, write to our email, and we'll give you other helpful tips, free of charge.